Scientific Comittee

Scientific Committee (to be completed)


Aria ADLI                                          

Antoine AUFRAY                              UR 1339 LiLPa – University of Strasbourg - France

Delphine BERNHARD                    UR 1339 LiLPa – University of Strasbourg - France

Maryvonne BOISSEAU                   UR 1339 LiLPa – University of Strasbourg - France

Daniéla CAPIN                                UR 1339 LiLPa – University of Strasbourg - France

Paul CAPPEAU                                 Université de Poitiers - France

Fabrice HIRSCH                             Praxiling - Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier - France

Dominique HUCK                           UR 1339 LiLPa – University of Strasbourg - France

Daniel JACOB                                   Romanisches Seminar – University Albert Ludwigs Freiburg - Germany

Yves LAPRIE                                     Equipe Parole LORIA – Université de Lorraine - France

Jean-Paul MEYER                           UR 1339 LiLPa – University of Strasbourg - France

Bernd MÖBIUS                                  Computational Linguistics and Phonetics – University of Saarland – Germany

Franck NEVEU                                  Paris Sorbone IV University - France

Pierre NOBEL                                    UR 1339 LiLPa – University of Strasbourg - France

Slim OUNI                                          Speech Group LORIA – University of Lorraine - France

Jean-Christophe PELLAT                UR 1339 LiLPa – University of Strasbourg - France

Pascal PERRIER                              Gipsa-Lab – University of Grenoble - France

Stefan PFÄNDER                               Romanisches Seminar – University Albert Ludwigs Freiburg - Germany

Jean-Marie PIERREL                        ATILF – Univeristy of Lorraine - France

Claus PUSCH                                        Romanisches Seminar – University Albert Ludwigs Freiburg - Germany

Manfred PÜTZER                               Computational Linguistics and Phonetics – University of Saarland - Germany

Amalia RODRíGUEZ SOMOLINOS  Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Spain

Catherine SCHNEDECKER            UR 1339 LiLPa – University of Strasbourg - France

Rudolph SOCK                                   UR 1339 LiLPa – University of Strasbourg - France

Amalia TODIRASCU                         UR 1339 LiLPa – University of Strasbourg - France

Jürgen TROUVAIN                            FR4.7 Computational Linguistics and Phonetics – University of Saarland - Germany

Agnès TUTIN                                     LIDILEM – University of Grenoble - France

Béatrice VAXELAIRE                         UR 1339 LiLPa – University of Strasbourg - France


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